Seminar in Cracow.

26 - 27 February 2011, Poland, Cracow.
Seminar in Cracow.

The seminar in Cracow (Poland, 26-27/2/2011) is the first seminar in this country, to which representatives of Lithuanian Traditional Aikido Federation, Traditional Aikido Center in Vilnius were invited.

Up untill now most of Poles (our friends from Aikido Aikikai) looked at us only as a possible source of income.

This is the way also primary leaders of Aikido Aikikai are looking to their pupils in the whole world (we also had a personal contact with Moriteru Uesiba... HE WAS INVITING US TO HIS SCHOOL... but programs of OUR SCHOOL are hundreds times more complex and interesting than Aikikai).

But this time our instructors were invited to teach one of the hardest components of Tenchi Bogyo Ryu (old name - AIKI BU-no JUTSU-dziutsu) school - „Spetsnaz Global“®.

It is known, that precisely this school formed a basis for training of top special forces units of Tsarist Russia, later USSR, and currently Russia. It is not a secret, that V. Lisicynas was a senior officer of military special forces in the former Soviet Union, and that he knows majority of the most effective elements from training SYSTEM of these services. His personal pupils currently serve in Lithuania, Israel and Italy, Korea and USA. A fair amount of them have become generals - including Lithuania.

Even the people who only look at Russia as their "enemy" have to understand, that one needs to know his enemy. In Lithuania nobody understands that, but in other countries people (for example Poles) want to know e v e r y t h i n g. But here the subjects tought by us are needed only by activists of law enforcement agencies.

For Europeans our training system seems too complicated and currently is undergoing a process of simplification. In Cracow we showed only the work with YAWARA to 6-7 facial points. Truth to be told - it was not even a seminar, but a festival. It was attended by 16 instructors with 5 DAN and higher. Masters of 10-9 DAN were only four: V. Lisicynas – 12 Dan, Tadeusz Ambrozy – 10 Dan, Krszystof Pitlak – 10 Dan, Filippe Floch (France) – 9 Dan.

Pupils were mostly workers of police, prisons and special services. Most distinguished Masters were presented with „Spetsnaz Global“ AWARDS. Soke Bogdan Puczinski was presented with „Spetsnaz Global“® IV degree ORDER, Martin Kryn was presented with „Spetsnaz Global“® IV degree medal.

Training was also leaded by: Giedrius Misevičius (6 Dan), Jurij Sokolov (6 Dan), Jonas Baliutis (6 Dan), Dmitrij Šarov (5 Dan).

The Poles were very happy and invited us to teach next autumn in practical seminar, intended for workers of frontier and customs services. Our friendship is going to widen and strengthen.


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